Friday, June 1, 2007

SF Opera replaces singer after final dress

I happened upon an Associated Press story this morning in the News-Sentinel about the San Francisco Opera replacing their Donna Anna, Hope Briggs, after the final dress rehearsal of Don Giovanni. (The opera opens tomorrow night.) The original SFO press release is here (Adobe Acrobat format). The gist of the article can be summed up in the phrase "not ultimately suited for the role..."

Ouch. Given the length and intensity of our recent production experience, how would you feel if we got to Wednesday night and Don came up to you and said "[Name], we think you're not ultimately suited for the role of chorister in this production"? All that work, all that sweat, blood, and tears. For nought!

Granted, Briggs will probably get some kind of salary, probably with some kind of good-faith incentive package for keeping her mouth shut about the whole deal. But talk about a career blow! Of course, the press release is mealy mouthed. the words "not ultimately suited" can mean anything from "couldn't hack it vocally" to "was too much of a diva to deal with." But there's that word "suited." That seems to indicate that she just didn't have the chops to do that role. But her agency's bio page says that she performed the role in Frankfurt in 2006 (though it's listed under future engagements.) A little research turned up a review of her performance which seems positive enough... at least, as far as my German and the Google translator goes.

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